Delegated Services

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In September Delegated Services reported on the advice of the charity commission on Trustee and employee use of social media including a package of advice on cyber security. 


The Charity Commission has now reported that it is aware of a significant number of serious concerns about activities within charities linked to the conflict in Israel and Gaza.


These include charities representing communities across the religious divide, although these to date largely concern allegations of anti-Semitic or hate speech. 


They have said that charities must be really careful not to allow their premises, events or online content to become forums for hate speech against any community or unlawful extremism.  They go on to say that at a time of heightened tensions, people expect charities to lead the way in bringing us together. That does not mean that they must avoid sensitive or controversial issues – charities are free to campaign so long as it relates to their charitable purposes. 


We are clear that they have a responsibility to do so with respect, tolerance and consideration for others. They must avoid inflammatory rhetoric that stokes division and may undermine trust in the sector.  This includes facilitated discussions at forums of their user groups and within the staff team.

The Commission will always use its powers, given by Parliament, to deal strongly with those who intentionally or recklessly abuse charities in England and Wales. We will not hesitate to take action to protect the reputation of the sector as a whole, including the many religious charities on our Register that are doing so much good across communities here and abroad. 

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