Delegated Services

Health, Safety and Compliance

As any leader knows, this can be the stuff that keeps you awake at night, can destroy people’s lives and creates high financial and reputational risk.  Something you cannot afford to get wrong.

Until safe practices are embedded in the minds of all individuals in your organisation and there are safe everyday working procedures in place across all sites, your organisation is vulnerable. Not investing in health and safety is a false economy especially if it leads to inefficient work practices and workforce absence due to injury, stress or mental health issues.  Let us help you to thoroughly assess your business risk areas and whether your health and safety processes would stand up to scrutiny if anything should go wrong.

The full responsibilities of Health and Safety can feel overwhelming and undoable especially if you are a small charity or undertake activities with children, young people or vulnerable adults or technical or physical demands. We can provide you with an assessment framework to break the work down into deliverable segments and support you with advice and resources. Our support includes the following:

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To view training that is currently being delivered, please head to our Training Information page.

Find out more and arrange support

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Head to your GoTo Knowledge Centre

View your Customer Agreement, report incidents/accidents and access a library of resources.

Business Risk Health Check

This is a strategic overview of eleven areas of your organisation’s health and safety risk control. You will receive a RAG rated report with action points for your organisation and you can repeat this process in future years to track your progress in improving your organisation’s control of risk.

The benefits of this Health Check are that it provides assurance to the Board of Trustees/ Governors and key stakeholders; that the organisation’s key health and safety infrastructure is in place; demonstrates commitment and compliance to regulators including Ofsted, DFE and Charity Commission; shows that you are monitoring your performance in line with the HSE guidance HSG65 and protects you from reputational damage.

Supportive Audit

Delegated Services offers the Supportive Audit through the national I-Auditor system which combines an onsite tour with questions and a detailed inspection of the evidence to support your health and safety systems and arrangements.  The outcome of this is then graded and a RAG rated report and prioritised action plan is produced.  

The benefits of the Supportive Audit are that; it provides you with a full picture of health and safety risks; robustly examines a comprehensive range of areas of Health and Safety compliance requirements; sets out any urgent priorities to address; highlights areas that require more focus and development; and demonstrates legal compliance which would assist you in a defence if anything were to go wrong.  Our report enables you to benchmark your achievements and track your progress over the years towards having effective Health and Safety systems, implementation and compliance in all your areas of your operations.

Deep Dive

When you have reached a good standard of Audit or if there are particular issues that require urgent address then we offer deep dives into specific areas of work such as educational trips, risk assessments, community drop-in activities or science activities.  

All of the auditing is complemented by a comprehensive training offer.

Site Inspections

Having an expert and fresh pair of eyes to identify risks, issues and potential solutions to these, makes an incredible difference to your progress towards being fully compliant and safe to operate.

Fire Safety Audit and Plans

This audit goes beyond the Fire Risk Assessment which is a statutory requirement, (although we can deliver just the Fire Risk Assessment) and considers all your arrangements around Fire, production of a Fire Safety Plan for your organisation or building, compliance and maintenance checks, practice of procedures and training for staff.

Offsite Visits and Residentials

Comprehensive advice, guidance, training and checking service to ensure compliance and best practice in all aspects of your planned off-site visits and residentials.

Other Health and Safety Work

  • Management training.
  • Training in compliance areas including: First Aid, Fire Safety, Asbestos Awareness, Legionella Management etc.
  • Event planning and management.
  • Advice on specific issues which includes a package of expert advice.

To find out more or arrange support please contact us using our online form. To book training that is currently being delivered please go to our Training Information page.

Our Services

Get best value through a package of services tailored to suit your needs.  Unique 24/7 emergency telephone support.

Let us help you be fully complaint, identify and manage your risks and effectively train your staff at every level of your organisation.

With the UK on a “significant risk” terrorist alert, storms, power cuts, flooding and infection spread, can you afford not to have emergency plans in place?

Training and advice from a team of experts supporting you to deliver up to date, compliant safeguarding practices with trained staff.

We bring expertise and experience to support you in your leadership journey and tested, transformative wellbeing practices for your staff team.

Value for money, organisation and curriculum support from experts in their field and our sectors.

Significant costs and compliance requirements with ageing, inefficient buildings and defects, we provide comprehensive support with expert advice on hand.

Flexible, great value training and library of resources to support you to deliver your legal and compliance responsibilities to your employees, pupils and users.




Comprehensive advice, guidance, training and checking service to ensure compliance and best practice in all aspects of your off-site visits and residentials.

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