Delegated Services

Educational/Offsite Visits and Residentials

Delegated Services Outdoor Learning Advisory Service (Educational/Offsite Visits) provides high quality professional support, guidance and advice for schools and community groups in managing and delivering Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) activities.

We offer:

  • Support by email, phone and in person as requested, provided by very approachable, knowledgeable and supportive advisers.
  • Advice to schools and community groups on the writing of guidelines for the organisation of LOtC events and adventurous activities.
  • Regular checking of standards delivered by external providers. Monitoring of appropriate qualifications of external and internal staff providing
    adventurous activities.

  • Face to face national standard training and updates for Educational Visit Coordinators.
  • Visit Leader training which can be bespoke to meet the needs of your establishment.
  • A resource library including sample policies and generic risk assessments for establishments to adapt when considering their own visits procedures.
  • Robust submission processes for planning, submitting and authorising visits which provides a clear audit trail.
  • A thorough audit of this high risk area, aimed at providing support for the Educational Visit Coordinator (EVC) with monitoring and reviewing visits/trips and residential activities. Focussing on reviewing systems and practice and providing any recommendations as necessary.

Benefits to Establishments

    A cost effective way to:

  • Achieve ‘peace of mind’ from knowing that visits/trips and residential activities are compliant and have been verified by a competent independent source.
  • Ensure that Standards and accreditations of activity providers and venues are checked.
  • Support high quality and safe activities.
  • Promote good practice on all Learning Outside the Classroom activities.
  • Enable staff to acquire appropriate and recognised training to national standards to ensure that educational visits are run by well trained and experienced staff.
  • 24/7 Access to a network of support in the unlikely event of a crisis.

Our Services

Get best value through a package of services tailored to suit your needs.  Unique 24/7 emergency telephone support.

Let us help you be fully complaint, identify and manage your risks and effectively train your staff at every level of your organisation.

With the UK on a “significant risk” terrorist alert, storms, power cuts, flooding and infection spread, can you afford not to have emergency plans in place?

Training and advice from a team of experts supporting you to deliver up to date, compliant safeguarding practices with trained staff.

We bring expertise and experience to support you in your leadership journey and tested, transformative wellbeing practices for your staff team.

Value for money, organisation and curriculum support from experts in their field and our sectors.

Significant costs and compliance requirements with ageing, inefficient buildings and defects, we provide comprehensive support with expert advice on hand.

Flexible, great value training and library of resources to support you to deliver your legal and compliance responsibilities to your employees, pupils and users.




Comprehensive advice, guidance, training and checking service to ensure compliance and best practice in all aspects of your off-site visits and residentials.

Don’t just take our word for it...

See what our users have to say, and read more testimonials here.
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