Safeguarding Audits by Mandy Parry
To meet the growing demand for external, skilled but friendly and understanding support, we launched our DS Supportive Safeguarding Audit in February.
We review your Safeguarding Policy and we meet with a wide range of people involved in your organisation including Head/Principal, Single Central Record Manager (SCR), Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Deputy DSL, Chair of Governors/Directors, Safeguarding Governor/Director, Newest Teacher/Key Member of Staff, Curriculum Lead/ Teacher in schools, Pupils/Service Users and EYFS staff, where applicable.
If there are any important immediate issues we may advise you how to address these on the day.
You are then provided with a supporting RAG rated action plan and a Certificate of Achievement. Overall, for a primary setting, we anticipate a time allocation of 2 1/2 days in total to do this top slice work justice, taking into account the latest output from Ofsted on their judgement approach.
Once Gold/Outstanding outcomes are being achieved, you will then be encouraged to look at individual Safeguarding topic areas, where a more in-depth scrutiny will be beneficial, as part of your ongoing compliance journey.
We are able to flex this approach to suit our range of customers across our sectors of service, including Secondaries, Special Schools, Youth Services and Multi-Academy/Education Trusts, etc.
For a quote please contact us using our online form